It’s a fact, generation Z hates most digital platforms. They only seem to be using them for fake-fun accounts and self-promotion, but that certainly wasn’t the way of the world at the time of social media digital platform’s basic beginnings, of ringtone and porn.
The thought and beauty, conceived during the beginning, of the digital social media platforms, was “real-time”. Life in real-time. War in real-time.
In the beginning of the digital communication era, it was a thrill to have real-time information. That real-time knowledge lent to immediate decisions and the ability for swift action. What was and could have been indeed was…for a bit.

The real-time, permission-based platforms, allowed for newsworthy citizen reporters, to show their footage, from their devices, immediately. To show truths. The real-time truths in visual information, on the few platforms and the beginning of the digital communication era became solidified in the meta-modern times. Too bad it’s no longer like that, so the distrust is thrust upon Generation Z and Generation Z questions all they read and see, welcoming in AI. Good for them!
Demographically, and economically different, platforms, formed. Too many platforms formed. Back to basics for Generation Z.
The information spreading across one of the platforms versus information spreading across the other platform in addition to the new social media platforms and the consistent upgrading of personal need nuances on one of the platforms, left a massive distaste for this in-your-face-constant-changes for generation Z. Gotta love a good run-on sentence.
Generation Z looks at social media and uses social media like a common old-fashioned newspaper.
God bless them.