Happy New Year!
Dear Readers,
The New Year is a time for introspection as the energy floats between the signs of Capricorn and Aquarius. Capricorn represents striving for goals. It is considered the sign of initiation as you move forward into a world where you can achieve what you want without losing sight of your spiritual needs. Aquarius represents reaching for high ideals, as you seek to understand greater understanding of your place in the world.This month is also time for remembering what occurred to you during the final weeks of December 2015, and the decisions you made at that time.
As the New Year begins we are reminded that life is always in a constant motion. It’s all about moving forward and not sitting still. Staying active, and feeling motivated by life and the fact that we have made it another year. Letting go of the ugliness of politics, and seeking our own truths. As we begin 2016, remember that everyone is fighting their own battles. Kindness goes a long way. Let’s ring in 2016 on a positive note. Manifest the good.
Mercury, the planet of chat, retrograde from Jan 5, 2016 through Jan 25 –
The overall general theme of Mercury retrograde is about reflection. It offers us a time to be more reflective about life on planet earth, to contemplate and to create order by eliminating things that block our clarity. Therefore it is generally a good time to write, edit meditate, retreat and organize.”Whenever Mercury moves into a retrograde motion we find ourselves feeling mentally frustrated as what we think and how it is delivered is in complete contradiction. In addition, since Mercury rules communication, and this particular retrograde is taking place in the stern Saturn-ruled sign of Capricorn, we may find our thoughts to be a bit more on the regimented side. More in control, less leeway in our thought process and/or communication.
Jupiter, the planet of luck, retrograde from Jan 7, 2016 through May 9, 2016 –
While Jupiter is retrograde in picky Virgo we may spend more time seeking answers from within, relying on our own instincts and rational thinking as opposed to delving outward. Most likely we may explore growth and changes we need in order to transform. However instead of the happy-go-lucky planet pushing to step out of our little box, now retrograde in Virgo we find ourselves more detailed, more open to slowing down, taking a breather. Every retrograde brings something to the table, and Jupiter in retrograde brings to light a need to stay quiet, and search from within our own inner sanctuary. Those ruled by Jupiter, Sagittarius will feel the profound effects of this transit as it triggers work matters, and/or personal relationships. Those born under Pisces will feel the opposition as it feels as though you are turning inside out. Gemini and Virgo are affected as well, however wherever these signs fall into your birth chart is where you will experience it.
Venus, the planet of love, in happy, vibrant Sagittarius until Jan 23, 2016.
Venus in Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius brings to light a need to expand beyond your dreams. To bring joy, to lighten the load so to speak. You begin to question, are you happy? If not, then what are you going to do about it? Possibilities open up when Venus moves into Sagittarius, we are more enthusiastic, more exploratory, discovery of self, along with the power to be anything you want to be. Although it’s direct square to its ruler Jupiter may force a stumble or two, but not without a fight. A good period in which to settle your differences whether with yourself or with anyone else.
New Moon In Capricorn Jan 9, 2016 –
Always action packed with the New Moon in Capricorn – “You are at the beginning of something new in your life. Take action now. No waiting time. Capricorn is about the goat climbing the mountain, seeking to attain a high level. You merge into a higher awareness. Time to empower yourself. The New Moon in Capricorn is about obtaining goals, finishing what you started, completing a project. Those born under Capricorn, Cancer, Libra and Aries are most affected. However based on your time of birth, somewhere in your own charts these signs fall into the houses. And this is where you will feel the power of this transit.
Full Moon In Leo on Jan 23- Time To Play –
The Full Moon in Fun social Leo opposite the Sun in collectivist Aquarius, can be a sort of tug-a-war the energies on the Sun are in complete opposition to the emotions of the Moon. The Leo Moon feels passion, while the Aquarius Sun ignites humanitarianism. The good news is that because of Jupiter in Virgo and Saturn in Sagittarius, these two signs are in total harmony. Either way we look at it, it’s a win-win..
Dramatic personal expression and ego needs can complicate cooperation, but this lunation is a reminder that strong-willed individuals are invaluable assets when given the attention they deserve.
Mars, the planet of war in Scorpio Jan 3, 2016 – Let the intensity begin!
The planet Mars provides us with the ability to go out into the world and seek what we want. In essence, Mars is the warrior, the Sun’s henchman so to speak. Mars, in our own charts provide us with inertia, the ability to be assertive, and the fortitude to fight the common good. When Mars moves into intense, passionate, determined, and often vengeful Scorpio his outward aggressive and fiery tendencies are tempered. Thus, he is able to channel his energy into scientific research, private investigations, and great strategy.It’s an unearthing. Those born under Scorpio, Taurus, Leo and Aquarius are affected the most.
Aries ( March 24-April 20) – Getting yourself back on track can be illuminating as the planets in transit ignite you from the inside out. In addition, as you see yourself striving for financial betterment, confidence builds up, creating a domino effect Also, love matters, new or existing look good as your see yourself a bit lighter, less encumbered.
Taurus ( April 21- May 21) – As a true Taurus you’re always preoccupied with work and/or money. This is a month where you seek diligently to create clarity in every aspect of your life including the home base. The last two years as you have known it has been a rough ride now it is time to reap the benefits of experience.
Gemini ( May 22-June 21) – Much of what is taking place astro-wise focuses on health and fitness, and really taking time to smell the flowers along the way. Moreover, Saturn in opposition to your Sun sign triggers work matters, and/or personal connections. However it is up to you as to how you handle yourself. Just a little hint, you’re in your element as humor goes a long way.
Cancer ( June 22-July 23) – The year ahead prepares you to take the bull by the horns as you continue on your spiritual and/or work path. A great cycle in which you fortify yourself with health & fitness and anything else that triggers good feelings and thoughts. Also, money related issues can be pressing, but not without you taking some sort of stand.
Leo ( Leo July 24-Aug 23) – For most Leo’s, it’s all about the glitz and glamour of life. Socializing, having fun and just doing your thing to the utmost of your ability is all about you being in your element. This month’s forecast finds you in a positive place as the planets dance favorably around you. A good cycle for love, money and work. However, always remember, you’re always in the drivers seat, so be aware of your luck…
Virgo ( Aug 24-24-Sept 23)- The most analytical, precise, perfectionist sign of the zodiac, this cycle opens the way for you to make changes as you see fit. Specifically speaking, career as well as your intolerance where love is concerned. This month allows you to vent, while being proactive in most endeavors. More importantly, it’s all about taking control and working from within to get it exactly right.
Libra ( Sept 24-Oct 23) – The scales of justice, peace and beauty is your OM. As this month’s astrological setup opens the way to a clearer sense of who and what you are this is a good period in your life to take stock of personal goals. To really look into where your heart is truly at. Truth is the truth even if it is a minority of one, and finding answers creates balance.
Scorpio ( Oct 24-Nov 22)- The highlight of this month indicates positive changes specifically in the work place. As you see yourself striving to make positive changes in your everyday life, you may easily begin to open yourself up to new and better opportunities. More importantly a good cycle for seeking financial stability.Also, love can be frustrating but not without its rewards.
Sagittarius ( Nov 23-DEC 21) – For most Sagittarius people, it’s all about seeking and stepping out of the box. Not to feel closed in, and more importantly the opportunity to be heard and voice your thoughts. In addition, as family and friends rally around you, it’s all about your complete transition. In addition, getting yourself back in shape, creating more confident is a key factor.
Capricorn ( DEC 23-Jan 20)- Letting go of the past, creating new and better memories is the key this month. Also, a great cycle for health as you step into a new found path for yourself, both emotionally and spiritually. Also, money matters appear to be better as you find yourself seeking solutions.
Aquarius ( Jan 21-Feb 19)- Though money is not your passion, security is. Therefore, welcome it with open arms as financial stability is yours for the asking. More importantly it’s also about creating changes, manifesting the good. Projection is key. Also, work matters can be pressing however it’s all about you taking charge. A better year all around.
Pisces ( Feb 20- March 20)- As Saturn continues to hover over the zenith part of your chart, your career automatically gets a jumpstart. In addition, you may find yourself more alert and aware of what is taking place around you specifically where family and friends are concerned. A good strong cycle has you begin to gain a sense of control over your life.