summer's last month



“April is a promise that May is bound to keep.” – Hal Borland

By: Janet Amid

Dear Readers,

As Springtime on the planet signals a time of rebirth, new life bursting from old roots, and the sweet wonder of nature following its own orderly course, so too does springtime in the heavens as it offers the promises of new insights, fresh starts and the blessed comfort in observing the orderliness of change. We are coming into a magical time of the year, it’s spring. Many changes have occurred within the last few months, globally, as well as within the confines of our own back yard. Our old ways of thought are giving birth to something totally brand new. We are evolving into a new ways of being a part of this world that we are now living. It’s about survival and being the best we can be.


A Full Moon occurs when the Sun and Moon are in opposition to each other, causing a tug-pull affect as energies are in conflict. The Energy of the fierce Sun in Aries, ruled by Mars, the planet of action, versus the influence of the Moon in Libra, ruled by Venus, the planet of pleasure and play. Libra, the sign that seeks partnership, balance and mutuality, is hosting the Full Moon opposite the Sun independent. The struggle between compromise based on the Libra Moon versus the urge and desire fore freedom and personal space. For the next few days, even those Aries who manage to come across as pleasant Venusian Libras will find it challenging to sit still while the heat is turned up inside. Relational interactions will be challenging. Spring fever could bring out some definite urges to push for something physical or sexual on a personal level…..and things could get quite aggressive at work or in social settings.

Libra likes to please, craving balance, while Aries likes to take charge,get it done and fight to the end until their goal is accomplished. The outer reflection of who we are, versus the inner reflection of what we feel. During this months Full Moon, you ask yourself the question: Do you see yourself in harmony with your partner? Do you avoid conflict at all costs? Or do you prefer to fight and create change as only you see fit? The duality of these two fierce influences take place causing this yin/yang exchange.

NEW MOON IN TAURUS APRIL 21 – Astrologically speaking, a New Moon on in the Earthy, Venus-ruled sign of Taurus signifies newness. Specifically starting a new project, a new health routine, or something that will spark a shift in how we live. In addition, it is a good time to finish up details of unresolved matters, that have been left untouched. The New Moon in Taurus is one of my favorite lunations, because Taurus as an earth sign energizes our senses, enriches our soul, encompassing the wonderful green scent of spring and all of its beauty. The New Moon in Earthy, Venusian Taurus brings us back to reality, pulling us back into our bodies. It helps to create a footing as we begin better habits. This particular New Moon in sync with the transiting Sun, at odds with Uranus and Saturn, may help in allowing us a better platform in which to work with. It provides an opportunity to evaluate our physical reality, making this lunation the perfect time to see if we are living in reality, or just passing time. As idealism goes, it is standing in the way? Are we cutting off our nose to spite our face? Keep in mind that compromise is not a dirty word.

April 23, Ramadan Begins – Ramadan is a holy month of fasting, introspection and prayer. Fasting is one of the five fundamental principles of Islam. Each day during Ramadan, Followers do not eat or drink from sunrise to sunset


~This upcoming transit of Sun is Aries is intense as its creates a huge square to transiting Pluto , conjunct transiting Uranus. The toss up between Individuality vs. relationships. Is is all about me, or is it all about us? In addition, the conflict between transiting Pluto and the Sun in Aries is all about breaking down barriers. A time in which we reexamine our course of actions, and keep ourselves on track.

SATURN MOVES IN TO AQUARIUS BRIEFLY MARCH 23 THROUGH JULY 2, (BACK DEC 2020) – Life is shared with Saturn in Aquarius, the sign of friendship, groups and humanity, from March 21-July 1, 2020 and again from December 17, 2020-March 7, 2023. It’s last occurrence was from Feb 1991 through Jan 28, 1994. It briefly moves in to Aquarius from Capricorn, providing a breather for those going through their first Saturn returns, ages 27 to 20, and 57 to 60, give or take. Also those born under the signs of Cancer, Aries, Libra are affected as well. This is a short reprieve until we revisit this in December 2020. Saturn in Aquarius Aquarius is generally quirky and unconventional according to astrology principles. Saturn represents structure, where as in Aquarius it brings with it a desire to think outside the box, more scientific but with a flair of uniqueness . . During Saturn’s transit in Aquarius many things may occur, new found discoveries in the healing process in health care. New technology. New attitudes towards our government, much for the better. Saturn in Aquarius in a much needed, much desired transit for all humanity…


Aries (March 21 – April 19) – This months FULL MOON in Libra on April 7, brings life to partnerships, both work or play, as emotions are drawn in, feelings expressed to the fullest. Partnerships both new and existing take on a new perspective, as your desire to stay connected increases. Also the New Moon on the 21st in Taurus magnifies financial gain, a good time to seek out sources that can fill your pockets. Though Saturn now in Aquarius may trigger unpredictable hurdles. In addition transiting Mars may bring to light unexpected opportunities, possibly through work. A good month to set your sights on goals that absolutely need to be obtained

Taurus (April 20 – May 20) The FULL MOON in your 6th house of health centers on motivation and drive. Time to get yourself back on track, doing what you do best and that is making healthy choices. Be aware of the fact the much can be said about patience and motivation as most the influences cosmic-wise are in sync with your personal vibration. Also, emotions may run high, so be aware of your sensitivity level. Also the New Moon on April 21st in your own sign, is all about change, though as a creature of habit, it may allow growth.. Also now that Saturn is transiting in Aquarius, anything can happen where work is concerned, stay under the radar while maintaining a good stance.

Gemini (May 21 – June 20) -Speculation may run high this week as your prospects for personal as well as financial gain goes uncharted. Anything can happen during a 5th HOUSE Full Moon transit. Easy come, easy go is the motto. Interestingly enough this also relates to matters of the heart. So guard your heart with armor, yet be open and receptive. Proceed with ease and caution. Also this months New Moon on the 21st takes place in that private sector of your chart; your secret self. Focus on resolve, while tuning in to your intuition.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22) Your home life may be a total flux as this months FULL MOON on the 7th occupies your personal space. During this time, it’s important to take stock of every given situation that needs to be done, renovations, and/or a possible move perhaps? Focus on taking a step forward in accomplishing what you set out to do,while pacing yourself. In addition to all of this, be aware that emotions with those closest to you can be sincere yet confusing. It’s up to you to see through the facade. On the flip side, the New Moon on the 21st highlights social connections, goals, dreams, and it’s a good time to circulate and be a part of the crowd.

Leo (July 23 – Aug. 22) – This months setup accents your more chatty side as the Full Moon on the 7th taking place in your area of communication allows for self expression. Also The New Moon on the 21st at the zenith part of your chart influences goals and ambition. A good month to set forth on new ventures, stepping out, connecting. This can also be a great month for love matters, though your tolerance level with others may be shaky. Therefore, stay on your game, ease in, no rush the game plan.

Virgo (Aug. 23 – Sept. 22) – Though frugal at heart, cautious with finances, you still prefer only the best. As the Full Moon on the 7th aspects your money house, finances are favorable, giving you the green light. A good time to renegotiate while financially seeking better ways to earn your pay. In addition, the New Moon on the 21st accenting your area of higher awareness highlights intuition, spiritually as well as philosophically, you’re in good sound place.

Libra (Sept. 23 – Oct. 22) – With this months Full Moon on the 7th taking place in your own sign,, the limelight is on you. This cycle can be beneficial where intuition and insight is concerned. Partnerships may also benefit, as you strive to keep the balance. In addition, your area of thought, your secret self is amplified by the transit of this months New moon in Taurus on the 21st. Specifically speaking a good period to relinquish old patterns, clearing out past issues.

Scorpio (Oct. 23 – Nov. 21) – April 7, the Full Moon in Virgo highlights friendships, groups, alliances, and/or co-workers. The desire to mingle, to stay connected is paramount. Hopes, dreams and goals are manifested, possibly stirring up motivation to seek out. In addition, the New Moon accenting your area of partners on the 21st brings to light a sense of unity, opening up the possibilities of strong partnerships as the focus in more geared toward personal matters.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 – Dec. 21) – The month as the Full Moon hovers over your 10th house of career and aspirations, you may see yourself really taking stock of where you want and need to be in the next 5 years or so. Also, with this months New Moon in your area of health and responsibilities, you may see yourself more disciplined where fitness is concerned. Either way, you’re in a good cycle to reinvent yourself, moving in a positive direction.

Capricorn (Dec. 22 – Jan. 19) The month ahead Full Moon influences goals and ambition, or on the flip side, if not done properly, plenty of aggravation. Take this time to focus on your given priorities, while not focusing on greater expectations. A good month set forth in accomplishing what your priorities are. Love, matters of the heart can flourish, finances can work very much in your favor as The New Moon favors your 5th house.

Aquarius (Jan. 20 – Feb. 18) – This is a great month to get yourself back on track as Saturn in your own sign creates discipline in more ways than one. The New Moon on the 21st in Taurus accents your ability to express creatively while the Full Moon on the 7th in Libra accents financial opportunities. This can be your month to set forth on a plan, taking you out of your inner circle and allowing yourself to venture forth.

Pisces (Feb. 19 – March 20) -. This is clearly a time to focus on yourself, your own needs and priorities as The Full Moon in Libra highlights finances, and The New Moon in Taurus on the 21st accents you. Changes are a definite, but much for the better. You may find yourself to be networking a bit more, or just mingling a lot!

“In a time of universal deceit – telling the truth is a revolutionary act”. – George Orwell